Or Litany

orlitany at gmail dot com

I'm a Senior Research Scientist at NVIDIA and an Assistant Professor at the Technion, specializing in 3D computer vision and generative AI. I'm honored to be a 2023 Azrieli Faculty Fellow and a Taub Fellow. Previously, I conducted postdoctoral research at Stanford University under Prof. Leonidas Guibas, and at FAIR, hosted by Prof. Jitendra Malik. My PhD is from Tel-Aviv University, advised by Prof. Alex Bronstein. My B.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics is from the Hebrew University.

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Prospective students

I am actively seeking talented and motivated Postdoctoral and PhD candidates to join my new lab at the Technion. To get a sense of the research areas I am most passionate about, I encourage you to explore my recent publications and invited talks. As an ELLIS scholar, I also invite eligible candidates to consider applying through the ELLIS PhD and Postdoc Program.

Invited talks

Workshops / Tutorials

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